Clean Eating Simply Blog

Diabetes Type 2 is not just affecting obese or overweight people!

This is something that I have done much research on since I have an underlying weakness in my gene pool for Type 2 diabetes. My Father, his grandmother and great-grandmother were all Type 2 diabetics and underwent periods in their life where they suffered due to this, resulting in ongoing health issues which in most cases resulted in the amputation of feet, legs, and toes, as well as affecting their eyesight. Something that was quite disturbing for me as I had grown up with a diabetic father and we had all followed as a family very specific nutrition advice from diabetic doctors and specialists.  Information we found years later was incorrect, escalated the issues, and moved my father from metformin to insulin injects...

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting NOT a fad diet

Firstly lets have a look at what fasting is and whether it may be for you? Fasting is a period of voluntary abstinence from food and drink, this has been and still is a practice used in a lot of religions and cultures globally and has been for many years.  A practice used to cleanse the body physically and spiritually. With this being said, IF (Intermittent Fasting) seems to be associated a lot with one of those fad diets.  What most people don’t see is how they are already fasting on a day-to-day basis naturally.  They have their last meal at night around 7 PM and then they have their next meal around 7 AM, they have fasted for 12 hours.  So, they...

Pure ingredients

5 simple steps to getting a healthy body and mind through clean eating

Over the years most people have been programmed by whatever the latest fad is and I have definitely been part of this group. At one stage I was so confused with all the diet change suggestions and did not know what was the best for my body.   The problem with fad diets is that it is an extreme change that most people only take onboard for a limited period of time to hit a specific goal. It is generally kicked off by an event they want to get ready for like a party, wedding or holiday. Short term goals which then equate to short term results and in no time you are back to where you were before. It is extremely frustrating and...