Category: Processed Food

10 Ways to Get More Antioxidants into Your Diet

It’s no secret that antioxidants are incredibly beneficial to good health. It’s believed the antioxidants in food can help prevent cancer, reverse or slow aging, enhance your immune system, increase your energy, and improve heart and other organ health. Given all we know about antioxidants and their beneficial properties, it’s amazing more people don’t get enough fruits and vegetables, the primary sources of antioxidants. Experts recommend a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily but say getting 7-10 servings is best. There are 10 steps to getting more antioxidants into your diet. 1.Breakfast Breakfast doesn’t have to be a hurried toaster tart on the way out the door. Throw some strawberries, berries, and yogurt into a blender; pour your delicious mixture...

Surviving perimenopause and beyond…

Did you feel like you had your weight and health under control, then Perimenopause hit?  Well, you are not alone! After a lifetime of battling weight and digestion issues, I finally hit a period in my life where I had found something that worked for me.  I had stopped the yoyo dieting, extreme exercising, and found nutrition and body movement that worked for my body.   Clean eating, specific foods, and smaller widows of time for eating was my saviour when it came to nutrition.  Instead of the excessive exercise sessions I had swopped it for walking.   My body absolutely loved my new lifestyle and my weight naturally fell to where it needed to be and stayed there.  My digestion issues subsided, and it...

Festive Eating

5 Tips for keeping healthy around the holiday season

Eat anything in moderation Don’t overload your plate, rather take small portions of the foods you love.  You can always go back for more if you want.  Take your time eating and socialising with your family and friends.  Enjoy the food, it is not a race to get as much food in your body as possible.  Use the same 90/10 approach to the holiday season by selecting healthy options most of the time and integrating the foods you don’t usually eat into the menu.  You will be surprised how this helps and you don’t feel like you are depriving yourself in anyway. Homemade instead of store bought Homemade dishes are always the best option as we know what ingredients we have used to...

Fad diets

Why Fad diets don’t work long term, plus 7 simple things to change for long term weight loss and healthy eating.

What is a fad diet This is quick fix, short term, unrealistic eating plan.  It is something that you are not able to stick to long term.  It goes against your body natural nutrient requirements by depriving you of certain groups of food, as well as taking anything you regard as a treat and making it a sin to eat or drink.  All this can result in nutrient deficiency, dehydration, uncontrollable cravings and fatigue. If this is not enough, fad diets usually result in you gaining all the weight back and more.  It can take your body a fair amount of time to recover and heal from the trauma.  It makes you wonder why even after us knowing this we still go ahead...

Processed Foods

Are all processed foods bad for our bodies?

There is so much confusion out there on what foods are good or bad for our bodies.  When most people think about processed food they look to fast foods like burgers, pizzas, kebabs, chips etc.  Then there is junk foods like chocolates, sweets, crisps, biscuits, cakes etc.  All things that most people can agree are not good in large quantities and should be more of an exception to what we eat and not the norm. But if we really get down to it, most foods are processed in some way or form in order to be packaged or tinned.  This got me thinking about which items that fell into the processed foods list where actually ok for me to include in my diet. ...

Pure ingredients

5 simple steps to getting a healthy body and mind through clean eating

Over the years most people have been programmed by whatever the latest fad is and I have definitely been part of this group. At one stage I was so confused with all the diet change suggestions and did not know what was the best for my body.   The problem with fad diets is that it is an extreme change that most people only take onboard for a limited period of time to hit a specific goal. It is generally kicked off by an event they want to get ready for like a party, wedding or holiday. Short term goals which then equate to short term results and in no time you are back to where you were before. It is extremely frustrating and...