5 simple steps to getting a healthy body and mind through clean eating

Over the years most people have been programmed by whatever the latest fad is and I have definitely been part of this group. At one stage I was so confused with all the diet change suggestions and did not know what was the best for my body.  

The problem with fad diets is that it is an extreme change that most people only take onboard for a limited period of time to hit a specific goal. It is generally kicked off by an event they want to get ready for like a party, wedding or holiday. Short term goals which then equate to short term results and in no time you are back to where you were before.

It is extremely frustrating and a vicious cycle which can last what seems a life time. Well this is how I felt and I needed something to change, and this is where my clean eating journey began. Since my journey started in 2016 I have learnt so much about my body and my whole mindset has changed. I am at the healthiest and fittest I have ever been and I continue to progress daily.

Firstly, the terminology clean eating to me means eating food that is pure, unprocessed and made from scratch.  So, ultimately I know what I am putting in my body as it is all pure ingredients that make up my meals.

This means that I steer clear of readymade meals, sauces, dressings, tinned soups, processed sugars. Instead, I choose from vegetables, fruit, beans, lentils, dairy, nuts, seeds, plant and good quality animal protein.

From this list, I am then able to create wholesome, healthy and interesting meals.  Meals that give my body what it requires to fuel it and has it working at its optimum level.

Cleaning up your eating is not something that you do in a weekend or over a few weeks.   It is not something that is going to last a few months or until you reach your specific goal.  It is a journey to adapting healthy and clean eating habits. This whole change in mindset for me was a game changer and has kept me motivated to continue improving my nutrition and mindset.

The 5 simple steps that kicked off my journey were:

Mindset change

It all started off with getting my head in the right place.  Committing to making ongoing and permanent changes.  These changes over time become my new way of thinking and created healthy habits.

I Stopped thinking along the lines of quick fixes and temporary changes to get to my goals. I Started thinking of this as a journey of continuous tweaks and changes to get my body working at its optimum level.

Once I got my head around this part I was in a better place to start making the changes that were required to clean up my daily eating regime.

The key at this stage was to commit to the change. 

Cleaning out your cupboards and Fridge

Clean eating is not another fad diet, it is making changes over time to what you stock in your kitchen, what you include on your shopping list and what you put in your body. 

Therefore, the first place I started was what I had currently in my kitchen. 

I took the time to sort through the cupboards and fridge to eliminate all the sauces, tinned soups, dressings, condiments, sugar, white flour, white pasta and rice.  Also, I removed any readymade meals from the fridge/Freezer.

Doing this clear out of unhealthy items from my kitchen was part of the reset required to start my journey.

Meal Planning/Meal Prepping

Firstly I mapped out how many meals/snacks I would have per day, depending on my schedule/body requirements. This I tweaked overtime till I got it right for me.

I also made a weekly menu, identifying options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.

Additionally taking a few hours a week to create a couple of meals in bulk to freeze and use for either lunch or dinner.  This is a great backup if you have busy days and don’t have the time to think about what to cook when you get home or what to take to work the next day.

Breakfast options like Porridge, overnight oats, eggs or avocado on toast.

For lunch, there are options like Chicken or tuna salad with olive oil/balsamic vinegar dressing, one of your prepped meals/soups, Homemade Wholemeal bread with tuna, chicken, or homemade hummus.

Dinner options like a protein of your choice including chicken, fish, meat or beans with potato and your favourite veggies.  Additionally, there is an option to have one of your prepped meals.

Great snacks are homemade hummus with carrots or celery, natural peanut butter with an apple, Greek yoghurt with berries or handful of nuts

potato soup - clean eating

Shopping list

Based on what you decide for your weekly menu will make it so easy to create your shopping list.  It will get a lot easier as you will find that you are buying the same ingredients weekly and are then able to create different meals.

You will also start building up a lot of dried herbs and spices that you will add to your meals.  As well are starting to stock up on things like tins of tomatoes, passata, tomato paste, coconut milk, chickpeas, butter beans, cannellini beans, mixed beans, tinned tuna, and salmon.

90/10 rule

Although you are making changes to your daily eating regime it is also important for you to have times where you can have your favourite treat.

There are times when I want to go out for dinner or just want a treat.  I want to have my favourite starter, meal, dessert or cocktail.  This is where the 90/10 rule comes into play which as part of my mindset allows me to treat myself.

While you are out it is a lot easier these days to have food cooked the way you want so you can still eat clean partially and have your favourite treat.   For example, asking for a house salad with grilled chicken and olive oil dressing but allowing yourself to have your favourite dessert and cocktail.

Mindset is everything in your journey. You will find different ways to reinvent the wheel, so that you feel like you can still socialise or enjoy your favourite treats.

These simple changes have completely changed my relationship with food and I continue to research and tweak my nutritional needs.

A healthy body is the platform for everything in your life!

For more tips and help with eating clean and clean eating recipes and menus please explore my page.

Claire Sankey

I am passionate about looking after my body by eating clean and healthy! Want to know what sorts of foods I now include in my daily eating and what simple recipes I have created to keep it interesting? This is what I would love to share with you.

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