About Claire

Firstly, welcome to clean eating simply.

I am Claire and have designed this website for clean eating to make it easy for people to understand what clean eating means to me, the benefits I have seen and where I started.    

In 2016 I started on my nutritional journey to educate myself on what my body needed to work at its optimum level.  Also, a way for my body to naturally fall to the healthy weight it should be and to be able to maintain it.

I had gotten to a stage where I was exhausted by constant changes to my diet to get to my weight goals.  I have spent what seems like a lifetime battling with weight and digestion issues. I have put my body through a lot of unnecessary stress due to all the fad diets and weight fluctuation. 

I always thought that if a diet worked for one person it should work for me.  I found this not to be the case and was constantly frustrated with the outcome.  Sometimes I hit my goals and sometimes not which caused me to throw in the towel and reverted to old and unhealthy habits.

Additionally, I was throwing myself into numerous different workout sessions including boot camps, CrossFit, spinning classes, running, and hot yoga and that is naming a few.  This was all in aid of me burning extra calories to reach my weight goals quicker or to burn off something that I should not have eaten. I love all of these fitness workouts but was not doing it due to an underlying passion.

To top this my body was not getting the nutrition that it needed to function let alone support my workouts.  This resulted in me feeling run down, it affected my immune system as I was picking up seasonal bugs all the time, and I had issues with sleeping and, digestion.

I first heard the Terminology clean eating around 2016 which triggered my interest in finding out more about what this meant and how this could possibly benefit me.  After much research I defined it as going back to the basics of eating moving away from convenience foods and preparing/Cooking everything myself. This meant I knew exactly what I was putting in my body and their was no hidden additives or ingredients.

Additionally there would be no unrealistic target for weight loss and the benefits were more than just your physical appearance.  It would get my body working at its optimum level by fuelling it with healthy and wholesome food that was right for my body, with the changes and benefits happening over time.

I have learnt so much about my body in this time and continue to learn and make tweaks to my nutrition, fitness, and mindset.  I am constantly reading and researching and have shared my knowledge base with you on this blog site so you can do your own research. Resources

My hope is that this helps people get out of the vicious diet cycle. See the benefits that I have seen and all through some simple changes to your mindset and nutritional knowledge.  Mostly I want you to know that knowledge about your own body and what it needs is powerful.  My body is not the same as everyone else’s and there are certain things that I eliminate from my nutrition due to this. 

One size does not fit all!

Due to all of this, the idea of my blog was born.

To date I have managed to lose 50lbs/22.6 Kgs/3st 6lbs and maintain it. I have a healthier relationship with food and exercise. This is all due to a combination of clean eating and mindset change. The journey has not been easy and I have my ups and downs but the fight is worth the outcome.

I have also through additional research adapt Intermittent fasting as a tool along side clean eating and my body is really reaping the benefits. See the Intermittent Fasting section on this site to see what this is all about.

I hope that you find all the information helpful within this blog and enjoy researching and learning what is good for your body. I have included some recipes and ideas for meals to give you an idea on what is possible, and how easy it is to adapt depending on what food you have in and what you are able to consume.  It’s all about keeping it simple, healthy and within a realistic budget.  

I have worked along side numerous clients to date, to educate and guide them on their journey and the results have been amazing. This is not a diet but a change for life and every step has gotten people healthier and happier in their bodies.

If you have any questions or want guidance in reaching your goals, please contact me here.

A healthy body is the platform for everything in your life…

Enjoy the journey.

Claire xxx

PS: This blog shows my journey and what I have done to date.  You should always connect with your Doctor pre to making any changes to your nutrition or activities.  This is all about getting a healthy body in a safe and healthy way.