What is Clean Eating?

Clean eating is simply going back to the basic ingredients and preparing all your meals and snacks from scratch. 

It is about avoiding all processed, and refined foods and instead choosing to feed your body with pure and natural foods.

There is no need for special ingredients or to cut out certain groups of foods, unless there is a personal requirement for you to do so.

It is also not going to be another one of those fad diets as you are retraining your mind on what foods to eat and choosing to create the meals and snacks you consume.

Cleaning eating forms the basis for any nutrition plan you may follow whether you are a meat eater, vegetarian, vegan, pescatarian, require low carb etc.

The one thing that I did learn over the past few years through clean eating is how important nutrition is.  We all seem to focus primarily on using exercise to get us to our goals.  Putting minimal effort into what we are putting into our bodies to fuel us for our workouts and daily activities.

Most people are shocked to hear that the physical appearance/shape of our bodies is dependent on 80% nutrition, 10% exercise and 10% genetics.  Additionally what you put in your body affects your general health, sleep pattern, energy levels, digestions and immune system.

This lightbulb moment for me was what catapulted me in the direction of clean eating and started my whole mindset change. I really had never taken any of this into consideration through out my life, shocking but true!

On your clean eating journey you will find that by filling and fuelling yourself with pure and natural foods, it will start some changes in your body. 

I started to feel more healthier, energetic, clear-headed, I slept better and it improved my digestions/gut health. This was all due to me listening to my own body and eating what was good for my body, at times when I was hungry.

These changes alone kept me wanting to carry on with my journey and learn more daily about my own body.

It really was that simple!

Go to Getting-Starter to find out what steps I took next.

PS: This blog shows my journey and what I have done to date.  You should always connect with your Doctor pre to making any changes to your nutrition or activities.  This is all about getting a healthy body in a safe and healthy way.