Your body and your choice…

Why is it that we think that medical professionals have all the answers to the issues that we have with our bodies and health? 

They can absolutely help us in many ways but when do we ever get a resolution to a lifestyle disease like Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and Cholesterol to name a few?  In most cases the solution is always medication, and the medication generally increases over time, as this is the accepted solution to your issue. 

In addition, these days the time a medical professional can spend with you to assess your issues is minimal, which is never going to give them the time to get to the bottom of the underlying problem.

There is always a place for medical professionals.

Let me just say that I am not against medical professionals as I have personally seen some amazing things happen in my own family.  An amazing team of surgeons carried out a double heart bypass and transplanted one of my kidneys into my father when his own kidneys and heart failed to work.  They gave him this amazing opportunity to get back his life and our family will be forever grateful.

Doctors, surgeons, and nurses do amazing things on a day-to-day basis for people all over the world.

Medication over Nutritional changes.

What I disagree with is that the first port of call and the only solution to an issue is to medicate permanently.   There is not even a discussion on it being an interim solution with the plan to work with a person to change their lifestyle and hence remove the medication when certain levels are stable.

With this being said, at the end of the day, you are responsible for the choices that you make in your life, whether it be nutrition, exercise etc.  A medical professional can only do so much for you as they are not trained in certain aspects of the issues you may be seeing.  Especially if the issues occurring have to do with what you are choosing to put in your body nutritionally.   

Doctors are not trained in using nutrition to remedy issues, they are trained to identify the issue and medicate if required.  A doctor may tell you to stay away from certain foods or reduce your calories and up your exercise.  This is a very general conversation with a standard diet given for your specific condition! 

As my research has pointed out not one size fits all.  If it did, we would not have so many lifestyle diseases.  It is more common these days for people to be Type 2 diabetic or have high cholesterol or high blood pressure than not.   

What if we worked with a medical professional trying to find the right nutritional fit for our own body, which could stabilize the levels in our body?

I have never had to take medication to date, but I do have family that have different issues who take medication.  This ranges from Type 2 diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol.  I see this as a red flag to myself as I have researched a lot about our gene pools and how diseases we see in our families may be the same for us. 

To add to this, I have for most of my teens and adult life suffered from weight and digestive issues.  If you know anything about weight issues, especially around the mid-section you will know this is more than likely going to result in type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and blood pressure.

I was not willing to meet this fate for myself so decided on the route of identifying what food and nutrition plan was right for my body.  One that would keep all my levels stable and keep me away from medication. 

One size does not fit all.

Over time I have seen how my body has transformed, by reducing my visceral and subcutaneous fat, improving my sleep, gut health, and energy levels and making my mind clearer.  I also took it upon myself to test my glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol.  All my levels mentioned in the latter have stayed exactly where they should as a bonus.

As I am part of a household my family have taken note of the changes and improvements I have made to date and have started to tweak their own nutrition options.  Their eyes have been opened, and they have also gained knowledge about nutrition and implemented what feels good for them.  They have ultimately selected the right way to eat for their own bodies and have seen the glucose, cholesterol and blood pressure drop.  In addition, they are working with their medical professional to reduce their medication. 

So not only can you stop yourself following the same path as your family, but you can reverse the damage done.

All of this was achieved with real food with NO expensive ready meals, shakes and the best thing is no calorie deficit.  I am not into depriving myself of all the amazing foods and drinks out there!  Saying this my taste and cravings have changed naturally, and I listen to my body more.  These days my body craves more wholesome food and I naturally eat less sugar and processed food as my body does not feel good if I overdo it.

I have finally found the right nutrition plan for me, and I am helping others do the same!

Nutritional Knowledge is the way forward.

There are so many amazing books out there written by reputable doctors.  Doctors and researches who have not only taught the way to change nutrition to benefit your body.  They have also followed their own advice with a successful outcome.

A few books I have recently read are, ‘Spoon Fed’ by Dr. Tim Spector, ‘Lies My Doctor Told Me’ by Dr. Ken Berry and ‘The Blue Zone Solution’ by Dan Buettner.

The researching I have done to date has made such a huge difference to my health, nutrition and mindset. I have also been able to share this knowledge with others in my community and seen them benefit too.

Knowledge really is power!!!

Keep build up your knowledge and tweak your nutrition till you find what works for your body!

For more of my resources please look on my resource tab which is constantly updated as I research more.

Claire Sankey

I am passionate about looking after my body by eating clean and healthy! Want to know what sorts of foods I now include in my daily eating and what simple recipes I have created to keep it interesting? This is what I would love to share with you.

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